
Tuesday, April 19, 2005

"RoeTip # 16
QUOTE: 'And those who would see wonderful things must often be ready to travel alone.'
- Henry Van Dyke

TIP: We've all heard the expression, 'It's lonely at the top.' Guess what? It is. The reason a rare few of us get to the top is because we dare to dream and do things others wouldn't, couldn't, and didn't do. Don't expect others to understand you. I've always believed that if someone tells me I shouldn't do something, then that probably is a reason to go ahead and do it. If it bucks the system, I'm usually a big fan. Go against the grain. You must have such a strongly burning confidence within you that rejection becomes a mere annoyance, rather than a roadblock. Set your eyes on the prize, and go for it, and don't let anyone in your way stop you. Yes, you can get to the top. Yes, it's going to be a long and winding and lonely road. Yes, I look forward to seeing you there.
Meet you at the top!
- Monroe Mann "