
Saturday, June 10, 2006

Dear Acting Buddy,My automatic timer is ticking. I set it to go off in 15 minutes. In 15 minutes I’m going to stop doing this newsletter and I am going to do the dishes. Except after two minutes the kitten started sharpening its claws on my favorite Louis Shanks chair and I took it on a field trip to the back yard.

I am resetting the timer. I want an orderly office and orderly home. I asked for a miracle and now I am banking my hopes on this timer.

Actors and other self-employed people are totally dependent on themselves to handle their unstructured time. That’s usually not a problem because most of us are crazy busy with creative endeavors, but sometimes the only person making us rise and shine is Guess Who? Our homes and offices can turn into colossal messes. I hate not being able to find my stuff.

Two minutes to go and then I’m going to do a little marketing for 15 minutes. Staple the resume to the headshot - address the envelopes to the productions on the list below that are happening in Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma. Could we please pass those incentives?

BRRRRRRRRNNNG. It’s going off now. This little sucker is LOUD. See you later, Buddy.

Okay, the envelopes are ready. But, the kitchen is way out of hand -- that’s next. I set the timer. When the timer goes off you HAVE TO change to something else. That’s the rule. If you don’t follow the rule — your nose will fall off. You can come back to memorizing your lines later. This will help with burn out. This will also prevent you from spending four hours locating lids for all the jelly jars under the sink because you are procrastinating rewriting your script.

Depending on my frame of mind it is either AMAZING what can gets done in 15 minutes or pitiful.

Executing tasks 15 minutes at a time helps combat -- all or nothing -- thinking. How many projects don’t get started because we fear the time commitment they will require?


I have taped a sign next to the timer. STOP WHINING!I wish to make a renewed commitment to give up the drama. This is very difficult for us drama addicts. We must remember to save all that Drrraaammmaa for the stage and the camera.

Running late to class, leaving the directions for the audition at home, staying up way too late so you’re a wreck the next day, party, party, party. Making the new headshot session a great big stinking deal. Sound familiar?

So this sums it up. Be good to you. Stretch your arm out, put your first three fingers together turn your hand so it faces you. Say your name and say, little person in there, I love you! then kiss your fingers. Set the timer again. Be sure to include breaks. Get adequate sleep. Stop all unsalaried drama.

On another note, two Avatars in India, Sri Amma and Bagavan say tomorrow on Friday a blessing in the form of an energy transmission is coming from Heaven to awaken mankind's hearts to Love and Connectedness in relationships.

Amma and Bagavan ask us to intention these thoughts:
May all individuals come together as families,
and families come together as communities,
and communities become one humanity.

Amen to that.
